There are many cases in which consulting an attorney is not only advisable, but necessary if you want any sort of favorable outcome. For the average citizen, attempting to navigate the world of law and legality can be daunting and seem impossible. So whether you’re looking for a criminal attorney, need some basic legal advice, or are on the unfortunate end of a medical malpractice lawsuit, finding the right lawyer for your case is crucial.
Why you might be looking for a lawyer
There are numerous reasons one might seek out legal council. One vein of knowing your legal rights boils down to protecting yourself and your loved ones in the wake of a tragedy or trauma caused by another. The National Center for Health Statistics states that more than 31 million injuries requiring the care of a doctor happen within the United States every single year. These injuries could be caused by any number of things. Medical errors alone are the cause of around 100,000 deaths annually, as relayed by the Institute of Medicine. Accidents at amusement parks account for another 7,000 or so injuries each and every year. Yet another cause of injury that could lead to a liability lawsuit would be one that is the result of a defective product. Those accused of violence against others will be looking for criminal defense attorneys, while the victims will be seeking representation of their own.
Why some need the help of criminal defense lawyers
One thing that has, sadly, been overrunning headlines for the last few years is the skyrocketing number of civilian casualties by the hands of law enforcement. While some argue that police officers have incredibly dangerous jobs the likes of which the rest of us cannot fathom the overwhelming stress and pressure (which is true) the number of these disturbing cases begs the population to open its eyes to a real problem. The majority of the victims — or criminals, depending on your stance — who are black males is staggering. And yes, there are some with criminal records or who were guilty of the crime they were being pursued for, but many pay with their lives. And those who stay alive often cannot afford a decent criminal defense, and are automatically treated as innocent until proven guilty. Many police officers, particularly those in areas where there have been greater incidents of alleged police brutality, are now being forced to wear body cameras while on duty. The “I can’t breathe” cry of protest from the fallen Eric Garner has become the mantra of many pushing for change, and continues to resonate, even amongst the sounds of newer, more recent cries that are still just as unfortunate and perhaps avoidable as too many that came before it.