Do You Fear That Your Loved One Is Being Neglected or Treated Poorly in a Nursing Home Setting?

Nursing home neglect law

It is one of the topics that people really do not want to talk about, but if you are in need of a nursing home neglect lawyer there are certainly some discussions that need to be had.
As the nation continues to deal with both the blessings and the challenges of an increasing population that is aging, many adult children and grandchildren find themselves in a situation where they need to be advocates for their parents of grandparents. The decision to seek legal advice from a nursing home neglect lawyer is often made out of desperation or denial, but it is one that cannot be ignored for the sake of your loved one.
Unfortunately, more than 40% of nursing home residents in the U.S. have reported abuse. Even worse is the fact that 90% or these residents have reported that either they or another resident have suffered from neglect in a nursing home. The thought of a loved one being mistreated is difficult to handle, but none of these situations will improve if they are ignored.
Making sure that you seek the advice of someone who has experience in the nursing home advocacy field can help you work your way through a situation that might otherwise seem impossible. Given that each year in the U.S one out of every three people over the age of 65 experiences a fall, it can sometimes be difficult to understand the signs that indicate the difference between a one time fall and continuing abuse. An advocate or an attorney, however, can provide you the information you need to make an informed decision about the situation. A recent study that estimates that only one of every 14 cases of elder abuse are ever reported to authorities, though, is an indicator that too many families are not informed, or not determined enough, to seek the help that their loved ones need.
In the case of finding solutions to the best care options for a elderly parent or grandparent, it is always better to immediately begin.

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