Do You Have a Work-related Disability? Consider Hiring an ERISA Lawyer

What does erisa mean?

Are you concerned that your pension as offered by your current employer is not sufficient? Perhaps you are unable to work, but your company is not handling your disability coverage as it should. In those cases, you may want to contact an ERISA lawyer who is intimately knowledgeable about ERISA rules, or the stipulations set forth by Employee Retirement Income Security Act from 1974.

After all, more than 32 million senior citizens in America are disabled. Those in that sort of situation should actively seek out a long term disability lawyer who knows not only how ERISA laws are applied, but also how they relate to state laws on the subject. While ERISA rules are typically decisive regardless of the state, certain states have established certain exceptions about which one should be aware.

ERISA is in place in part so that a company lets its workers know far enough in advance if their benefits are being discontinued. If you are concerned, that this was not the case in your situation, there are attorneys out there who focus specifically on making certain that your rights are protected, particularly if the disability in question was caused by an accident or injury at work.

In general, it is highly suggested by the Department of Labor that you check your summary plan description so that you know for certain that you qualify for benefits. If you have questions or comments about ERISA laws, or you have suggestions regarding how to find the right disability attorney. For more information see this.

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