Family Law Issues: How To Handle These Situations

If you don’t know all about family law, you’re going to want to hire a family lawyer to represent you in certain situations. A divorce lawyer is an expert in family law, so they can steer you through what can be a difficult and emotional process. During a divorce, you want an objective voice to help determine the best solutions for your family.

All family law attorneys can work on behalf of you and your former spouse, meaning you don’t need to do the negotiating yourself. This can be very good in situations where anger or fear will get in the way. In order to get a divorce decree, you’ll need to figure out a lot of different things.

If you own property, you’ll have to divide it fairly. If there are children, you’ll have to figure out a custody agreement that fits everybody’s needs. Not every lawyer is going to be an expert on these things, so you want to make sure you specifically work with a family law attorney in order to get the best results.


Divorce lawyer boca raton

The court of law is incredibly important in the United States for many different reasons. People will be involved in legal lawsuits and civil lawsuits that range and vary in nature, some are for the better and some are vicious situations where one person feels they have to protect themselves from legal action. If you need help filing an uncontested divorce, or vice-versa you need to find a divorce lawyer, here are some facts you should know about family law issues.

In the 1950’s the median age for marriage was 20 for women and 23 for men. In the year of 2004, however, this managed to rise to 26 for women and 27 for men. People are doing this differently then they used to and so much of this is because how the court of law has expanded. Make sure you understand whether your need divorce lawyers, uncontested divorce lawyers, or even a divorce law firm for your divorce help.

Just about two-thirds of all divorces are filed by women and they make up the majority of these divorce cases. Across the United States, couples therapists have reported that more than half of all of their caseloads come directly from infidelity. It was also reported by the Journal of Family issues that infidelity was the leading cause of divorce, with nearly 22% of all respondents saying it ended their marriage.

If you are having these types of family law issues and want to get a divorce then make sure you hire the proper lawyers and make sure you are buckled down for a long process. There is on average a six month waiting period after the first initial divorce petition is filed and served on the partner before a divorce actually becomes final. Prepare yourself and your children, if you have any, for a long and arduous process.

Do not allow family law issues to get ugly if you have children. When fathers and children do not live together statistics have shown that only 22% of all fathers will see their kids more than once a week. In just about 5% of all custody cases, the issue was solved after a custody evaluation whereas, in 29% of all custody cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement.

According to a study published in the Journal of Family Law Issues, 11% of all divorces were due to drinking and drug abuse and 20% of all couples say their divorce was due to sheer incompatibility. Couples that have dated for almost three years before their engagement are 40% less likely to get divorced when compared to couples who dated for less than a year before they got engaged.

In Conclusion

Every year there are families and couples across the United States that must deal with family law issues. If you are dealing with these types of family law issues then do not feel alone. Seeing a therapist will definitely help you deal with any issue you are having and will at the very least help you rectify and console your feelings. There is no need for you to deal with your family law issues in a way that isolates you from the people you love. Take care of yourself and your family law issues and everything else will work to sort itself out.



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