Has Your Family Faced a Devastating Loss as the Result of a Drunk Driver?

The pink bracelets are selling fast. In fact, before school on the first day of sales, the group of students who were raising money for a classmate’s family were nearly out of the pink rubber bracelets they had ordered for the entire week. Their 15 year old classmate had been killed by a drunk driver while he was father was taking him to a show choir bonding event. The father is still in the hospital, but was moved out of the intensive care unit over the weekend. The monies raised from the sale of the pink bracelets are going to be given to the family in their time of need.

In addition to the school sale of the bracelets, the school district counselors were also available the day after the accident in an effort to help the students and staff process their grief for a young man who had been very involved in his first semester of being at the high school. Last night there was an open service where the young man’s mother was able to talk to her son’s friends, many of whom she had never met before. It was important, the mother said, for her to remind students one more time about the dangers of drinking and driving and to empower the students in their efforts to process their own grief.

Personal Injury Attorneys Offer More Than Encouraging Words and Warm Hugs

All of the fund raising memory bracelets, counseling sessions, and comforting hugs serve a purpose, but for the family of victims who have been killed or injured in a drunk driving car wreck, these well wishes will likely not pay the hospital, funeral, and the needed physical and mental therapy bills. With the help of the most experienced personal injury attorneys, however, you may find the resources that you need to make it through some of the most difficult transitions in life.

Wrongful death attorneys and other kinds of personally injury lawyers help their clients navigate through the current needs that they have, as well as anticipate the difficult future transitions that will be required.

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