Top 5 Reasons Marriages End in Divorce in the United States

Galveston attorneys

Are you in need of a divorce attorney to help with your case? Whether you have an amicable separation, a divorce that requires an attorney for child custody, or one that requires help dividing all the assets, you only want the best divorce attorney. There?s no reason to spend money and energy on a divorce lawyer who can?t give you the time and dedication you need to successfully end your marriage. Divorce is an increasingly common thing to occur in the United States. So, there are plenty of divorce attorneys available to help no matter why you?re filing for divorce.

Interested in learning more about the increasing rates of divorce in the United States? Keep reading to find out reasons why some marriages end and why others seem to last longer.

Frequency of Divorce in the United States

Divorce rates are continuously on the increase throughout America. In fact, children?s parents get divorced or separated every year more than one million times. Right now, that puts the divorce rate at around 40% when it comes to first marriages. Not surprisingly, the divorce rates continue to increase for marriages after the first. It?s nearing 60% for a second marriage, and comes in at around 73% for third marriages.

Divorce rates also vary based on age ranges and a plethora of other factors. For example, in the past 20 years, for couples over the age of 50, divorce rates have nearly doubled. On the other hand, marrying later in life can also help your marriage last longer or not end in divorce at all.

A few other factors that can influence divorce rates are if someone smokes. A marriage is automatically 75% more likely to fail if one of the individuals smokes regularly. If the couple is highly educated and earns a large amount of money every year, this can result in the marriage lasting longer or not resulting in divorce at all.

Most Common Causes of Divorce in the United States

So, what are some of the common reasons couples get divorced in the United States resulting in their need to hire a divorce attorney? Here?s the top 5 reasons marriages end in family divorce lawyers and child custody lawyers.

1. Communication Problems

If a couple can?t communicate properly and it continues on for a while, this can result in the marriage dissolving. Without proper communication, it is difficult to keep a marriage functioning and alive. This can be the case especially so when there are other people involved and depending on the couple like children.

2. Infidelity

If there is infidelity and one partner finds out, it can be difficult to move on from the transgression. Many struggle to establish trust and honesty in the relationship after a betrayal like this. For that reason, it isn?t uncommon for it to result in a divorce.

3. Financial Problems

Financial problems can bring with them added stress to the marriage. If one person feels as though the other isn?t doing their part, it can be hard to get on the same page to run a household or pay for lifestyle needs.

4. Abuse

If one of the partners is being abused, it is likely to end in divorce when that person makes their decision to get out of the relationship.

5. Loss of Interest

Unfortunately, sometimes it is the case that one or both of the partners simply lose interest in the marriage and relationship altogether. When this happens, it is better for the couple to separate and divorce so they can move on with their lives.

These are only five of the most commons reasons marriages end in divorce throughout the country. There are many other reasons a marriage may end in separation or divorce. At the end of the day, whenever one person files for divorce, it is important for the other to find a reliable divorce attorney to help them through the process, too.

Have you ever been separated from your spouse? Are you in need of a divorce attorney to finalize the separation legally? Let us know about your experiences with your divorce and finding divorce lawyers to handle your case.

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