On 11th of January a woman made a call to Cape Coral Police for filing a report of her rented house burglary. She said to the police that “I was sleeping when unidentified persons burglarized my home and took away computer, credit card and kindle fire table”.
On the other hand, on 16th of January Cape Coral Police responded to 4928 Viceroy Court and arrested both criminal who shot an occupant. It further said that we have recovered a kindle fire table, notebook and a credit card from the shooters. These leads were matched with the 11th January burglary and victim recovered all the items that had been stolen from her home. She said to the police that “her credit card had been misused by the culprits and it was supposed to be used to CVS, Hess and 7Eleven stores.
Upon hearing this, police had contacted the stores and collected all surveillance videos from the store owners. Besides, it was confirmed from the collected videos that the culprit had used her credit card for shopping purpose and his identity was unknown to the police. When the pictures of arrested person were shown to people, they identified him with his pet name as “Paesan”.
To get his identity, police had released his photos to media, SWFL Crime stoppers and CapeCops.com to receive some tips. Later an anonymous tip was received that identified “Paesan” the 26 years old as Robert John Neglio of Cape Coral. And on March 27th 2012, Detective Nick Jones interrogated him about the crimes which Robert John Neglio subsequently confessed.
He was booked under the charge of Credit Card Fraud, Criminal Use of Personal Information and Grand theft. He is imprisoned now in the Lee County Jail.
Last but not the least, Lieutenant Tony Sizemore said that “we solved this serious case with the help of our community members and we are really lucky that whenever we demand for identification of any culprit, people come forward to help us”.