Working your way through a divorce is never the way that you want to spend the holidays, but the fact of the matter is that 10% of the U.S. population is divorced and that they average divorce lasts about one year, it should come as no surprise that people’s marriages end every day of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, although they are festive occasions, are not excluded from these statistics.
Divorce mediation is one way that many couples find a way to navigate through the difficult process, whether it is during Christmas or the middle of summer. Given that more than 95% of all divorce cases reach a settlement agreement outside of the courtroom means that divorce mediation can make complicated situations easier.
Getting the legal help that you need when you are facing the end of your marriage is a decision that can help you make sure that your holidays are a little more merry than they otherwise could be.
Divorce lawyers understand the different state timelines that must be met when a couple is ending a marriage. By working with a lawyer sooner rather than later, you might be able to find out all of your options for the upcoming divorce.
Consider all of these facts and figures about divorce in America and the statistics that are difficult to ignore:
- 66% of couples who chose mediated divorce indicate that they were satisfied with the outcome of the entire process.
- In 80% of cases, one party wants the divorce and the other does not, which means that the decision to divorce is unilateral.
- 40% of households are headed by female breadwinners, which mean that hundreds of thousands of men are eligible for alimony, yet do not receive it.
- 1.5 million children in the U.S. have parents who divorce every year.
- The probability of a first marriage ending in divorce or separation within five years is 20%.
- $15,000 and $30,000 is the average cost of a divorce.
Even though it should be the most wonderful time of the year, many couples and entire families are facing divorce decisions that will affect the rest of your life. If you are facing the end of your marriage, have you taken the time to be proactive and meet with a lawyer?