Complaining is like the garage door that merchants pull down in front of a store front. On the street or at the mall, this loud crashing garage door falls into place and all productivity ceases. Sure, there may be some work going on behind the scenes but the passer by knows nothing about it. The garage door blocks all of that.
In the same way the garage door blocks anything productive that might be going on behind the scenes, complaining blocks anything productive the speaker may be trying to say.
The garage door is loud when it is dropped into place and often just as loud when it is finally put away. By appearance, it is often empty. It is boring. It is grey. It lacks any kind of decoration at all, except for grafitti in some areas. The grafetti might be compared to the swearing that many complainers use when they are in the middle of a rant. It might add some color, but it rarely contributes to the message.
As bad as a wrap that complaining gets, however, there are times in life when you need to be a complainer. When you need to stick up for yourself. If you have been injured in an accident, for instance, there is nothing to gain from staying silent. And while complaining to your friends and family may not be productive, if you invest the time that it takes to meet with a personal injury lawyer, your voice can be heard in initial negotiations, as well as in the court room if necessary.
The decision to meet with an 18-wheeler accident lawyer, for instance, is a decision that can help you find a strong voice to make sure that you find the available resources. Complaining to yourself or your spouse might help you deal with the difficulties that you are facing, but having a constructive conversation with an 18-wheeler accident lawyer or other kind of attorney who has experience dealing with driver negligence cases can help you sound like more than a banging garage door.
Consider these statistics about some of the times when meeting with a legal representative might be in your best interest:
- 6 million car accidents occur in the U.S. each year.
- 90% of commercial truck accidents are worsened or caused by human error, either on behalf of a truck driver, other drivers, other vehicle passengers, cyclists, or pedestrians.
- 23% of semi-truck accidents are caused by a driver traveling too fast for the road conditions, according to findings by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
- Every year, semi-trucks are involved in as many as 500,000 accidents.
- In tractor trailer accidents, 98% of fatalities occur to the individuals in the passenger vehicles that are involved.
Whether you need the help of an 18-wheeler accident lawyer or another type of specialized attorney, it is important to make productive use of the anger and frustration you feel after being the victim of an accident. There are many times when complaining is like a banging garage door pulled into place at the close of a business day. This is not the case, however, if you have been the victim of a car or truck accident. At these times it is important to find an experienced attorney who can help make your voice heard.