Personal injuries can happen for a number of reasons — but regardless of how it happened, an injury caused by a person or company’s negligence can be devastating. You can, and should, seek compensation for your injury with a personal injury lawyer.
However, if you’re unfamiliar with Canadian personal injury laws, you might feel uncomfortable with the idea of filing personal injury claims or long term disability claims. But don’t worry — after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of how personal injury laws work in Canada.
Here are the four facts about personal injury claims in Canada that everyone should know:
1. Personal injury claims are called “tort” claims: Tort claims compensate individuals for the many negative impacts that come from personal injury. Compensation for a personal injury can include long or short term disability claims along with other awards to make up for the injured person’s loss of quality of life.
2. Canadian personal injury claims are small: When compared to the multi-million-dollar awards of American personal injury claims, Canadian personal injury awards are much smaller. This is because the Canadian Supreme Court set a cap on the amount of money a person can receive in damages and compensation. The current cap is set at about $317,000, and is adjusted each year for inflation and cost of living increases.
3. It is recommended that you hire a personal injury lawyer: Personal injury lawyers in Canada are educated in the Canadian court system and know how to get the fairest personal injury claims for their clients. Personal injury attorneys also allow clients to focus their time and energy on recovering from their injury.
4. Personal injury lawyers are paid on contingency: In Canada, most lawyers who work with personal injury claims don’t get paid until their client has won his or her case. Contingency fees are typically a percentage of the final settlement obtained in court. More on this: www.awaxmanlaw.ca