When you’re in a car accident, you need to hire a lawyer to help you in the aftermath. Car accident claims can get complicated and, if you’re injured, they can become even more so. Car insurance bodily injury claims are meant to cover your medical bills and any lost wages due to your injuries. If you don’t get the money, you could be in trouble. A lawyer can help you negotiate with other parties and insurance companies, making sure that they are doing the things they are legally required to do. Does insurance pay for pain and suffering? Your lawyer can help you get as much money as possible from them.
Can you have two lawsuits at the same time? If you do, you’ll need to make sure that everything is done correctly for both. In this case, you definitely need a lawyer to help you with bodily injury compensation. Otherwise, you risk messing up both lawsuits. This will cost you money and time. It could even prevent you from getting the money you’re owed at all.

Since personal injury accidents can cause a number of financial, physical, and emotional losses and damages, a successful personal injury case is important for getting properly compensated. Pain and suffering, loss of ability to work, lost wages, and medical bills can all affect a person’s quality of life, and getting compensation is one of the only ways to make up for the losses. Here are three mistakes to avoid making when it comes to handling a personal injury case.
1. Not Documenting Evidence
One of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to the aftermath of an accident is not documenting any evidence or not getting a sufficient amount of it. Evidence is usually used in personal injury lawsuits, if it goes to trial (though only between four and five percent of them do). Take pictures of your injuries and make sure to see a medical professional. Take pictures of the scene and report it to the right authorities (like law enforcement officials, for example.
2. Not Doing Your Homework
Another common mistake that people make during a personal injury case is not doing their homework. Even if you hire a lawyer, it’s important to make sure that you do your research about cases similar to yours and their outcomes. Know if there are precedents for those cases. Know what your rights are. Lastly, make sure you do your homework when it comes to hiring the right personal injury lawyer.
3. Not Hiring a Lawyer
Though not many cases go to trial, only half of those that do end in the plaintiff’s favor. Not having a qualified lawyer for counsel and representation can put you at a serious disadvantage when it comes to communicating with other parties involved in the case, negotiating with insurance companies, and understanding how a personal injury case actually works.
Have you made any of these mistakes during a personal injury case? Feel free to let us know about them in the comments section. For more, read this link.