Three of the Strangest Criminal Defenses Ever Used

If you’re curious about a day in the life of a criminal lawyer, you should talk to some to get the truth. Defense attorneys work hard and spend long hours on cases. They are often forming defenses to murder so that their clients have a better chance of being found innocent by a jury. During a trial, the defendant should always have a lawyer. If they don’t have one, they are provided one by the court. However, many people would prefer to choose their criminal defense consultants and work with someone they know and trust. By hiring their own criminal defense lawyer, they know what to expect.

A good defense lawyer specializes in criminal law. They are in good standing with the American Board of Criminal Lawyers and have gone to school for years. They go into the field expecting to work long hours and work through the law in order to defend their clients. While a lawyer can’t promise any particular results, they can give their clients a better chance of being found innocent of the crimes they are accused of.

When you are facing a possible criminal charge and a court appearance, you do not want to face all of that on your own. This is where a criminal defense attorney can help make the process easier and a little less stressful. Their experience and support can help you survive the experience with a lighter or more fair ruling from the judge.

The best national criminal firm and company in your area will have a team of legal experts ready to help you with your case. Whether you have a need for big law criminal defense services or you have a more minor offense charge to contend with, legal advice will make a huge difference in your case.

Searching for the biggest criminal law firms in your area is easy with the help of the internet and smart technology. You can search online for local board certified criminal defense lawyer teams that can help with your case. You can also use your smart device to search for criminal defense attorneys in your area and make a consultation appointment with them online.

UPDATED 2/9/21

Sure, there are some completely legitimate criminal defenses that can at best help get a sentence reduced or even dropped, or at least allow the defendant’s side of the story to be aired.

But sometimes, criminal defense attorneys and their clients can get a little bit — in a word — creative. Here are a few of the weirdest criminal defense cases you’ll ever hear of.

Because of the Ouija Board.

Six military intelligence soldiers on an apparent mission to destroy the Antichrist were picked up in Florida by police and charged with desertion. In their defense, the group’s leader, Vance Davis, said that Ouija Board spirits told them to desert because they needed to save the world from an impending cataclysm. Of all the criminal defense cases out there that tried “the devil made me do it,” this has to be one of the oddest.

Because of Her Premenstrual Syndrome.

Sandie Craddock, a 29-year-old barmaid, claimed she murdered her coworker because of her PMS. Of all the weird criminal defense cases out there, this one is perhaps one of the most surprising, because the judge actually accepted her lawyer for criminal defense’s argument that PMS was a mitigating factor. A review of the defendant’s diaries revealed that each of her 30 past convictions and suicide attempts happened around the same time of her menstrual cycle. She was found guilty of manslaughter, and ordered to take a progesterone treatment.

Because the Parrot Saw Richard Do It.

In 1993, Gary Joseph Rasp was accused of murdering Jane Gill, his business partner. Oftentimes in criminal defense cases, testimony from witnesses is submitted, so his defense attempted to submit to the court testimony from Gill’s parrot, which was reportedly heard repeating “Richard, no, no, no!” Rasps attorney took this as evidence that a person named Richard was the real murderer. The judge, however, disagreed, and sentenced Rasp to life in prison.

Criminal defense lawyers, like domestic violence attorneys, can help their clients have their side of things heard, but as these criminal defense cases show, it’s usually best to stick with the facts.

If you know of any other strange criminal defense cases, feel free to ask in the comments. Read this for more.

Suppose you are facing a criminal charge, it is essential that you find the best criminal defense lawyer to represent you. If you can get the right one for your case, they can make a difference regarding your case’s outcome. Here are tips to help you find the best local attorneys.

An attorney should be responsive.

You will need an attorney who will respond quickly and start working right away immediately you are charged as time is of the essence. They should arrange for a meeting on the same day you contact them.

Should specialize in criminal law

When you check their website, ensure that the lawyer you hire at least specializes in criminal law. They need to have experience in the nuances of regular involvement in criminal cases to handle your case.

Check reputable sources

You can learn a lot about them by carrying out criminal attorney reviews on the internet. You can check their websites and how people are reviewing their services.

Ask for referrals

The best way to find a good attorney is to ask friends, family, and colleagues about a criminal civil attorney operation. You will find an honest opinion about them from word of mouth engagement from their experience with them.

Take your time to find an experience best local attorney who will increase your chances of winning a case.

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