What Questions Should I Ask a Lawyer?

Do you know how to vet a lawyer when you need one? The key to finding the right one to handle your case begins with asking questions. In addition to the standard inquiries you make when hiring an attorney, one key question is often neglected, and we’ll cover that here.

Do You Size Defendants Up?

Lawyers also ask potential clients a number of questions, which usually include what you do for a living and how much you have in financial assets. This may lead to you being sized up.

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If you have on a high-dollar suit or a well-paying job, attorneys may use this information to do what is called ‘sizing you up’.

In this situation, being sized up means that they are using your financial situation to their advantage. A lawyer may intend on using your information to set a rate higher than others would pay. You shouldn’t hire attorneys that practice this with clients, as they may be a bit shoddy all around.

Case In Point

To protect yourself and prevent being sized up, ask how much they charge early on in your first consultation and whether it is a flat or hourly rate. Ask to speak with previous clients and make sure that you are paying the same rates as other clients and not being over charged.

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