Are You Looking for Help with a Difficult Divorce?

Divorce attorney minnetonka

You struggled with the decision to make the posting for several days. You knew for a fact that it would make you feel vulnerable. You also knew that it would cause a good deal of embarrassment. After looking back and forth between the two photos, however, you finally made the decision to share your news.
After several weeks of the difficult and challenging weight loss journey, you shared what you saw in the mirror when you decided to start the new healthy eating and exercising plan. Looking at that first photo and then looking at today’s photo makes you feel proud and confident. As you prepare to post a picture of yourself in a pair of jeans you could not wear nine weeks ago, you realize that you are also seeing a waist emerging. With both attitude and sass, you realize that you are on the right path.
Unfortunately, as soon as you made the post and found the confidence to make even more process, a threat from your husband cost you all of the confidence that you had gained in the last nine months. Just as you were able to show the world the embarrassing photos of your former self and share the success you have had in the last nine weeks, your husband announced that he was ready to end your marriage.
Shocked, it took every ounce of confidence that you had gained while you were losing the first 30 pounds to jump into action and visit a family law office. You transitioned from the bathroom mirror selfie and happy dance from celebrating the 30 pounds lost to the far more serious need for finding a divorce attorney for yourself.
Even if you do not have all of the confidence of someone who has recently lost weight, you may find yourself in the situation of looking for a representative from a family law office to represent you. Whether you are the person who is seeking a divorce, or you are the person who has just been served papers, finding a well respected family law attorney can help you face difficult news.
Divorce is not uncommon in America. Consider some of these statistics about the number of marriages that end in divorce and other family law situations, including child custody issues:

  • By the year 2013, 87.3% of the 6.5 million custodial parents with child support agreements or awards, 5.7 million (87.3 percent) were due child payments.
  • Estimates indicate that 46% of non-custodial mothers completely default on child support, compared to only 27% of non-custodial fathers.

  • People wait an average of three to four years after a divorce before they remarry, if they remarry at all.
  • Realizing that marrying too young can serve as a problem, you may not be surprised to realize that people who marry under the age of 20 have the highest rate of divorce. In fact, these younger couples are nearly 1.5 times as likely to get divorced as those who get married between the ages of 20 to 24 years old. Furthermore, individuals who marry after the age of 25 are even less likely to get divorced.
  • Estimates indicate that nearly 80% of custodial mothers receive a child support award. This compare to the just under 30% of custodial fathers who receive a child support award.
  • Parents sometimes struggle to find an equitable child custody arrangement. The decision to consult a family law attorney or arbitrator may help you make sure that you have considered all of the possible options.
  • Average lengths of marriages that end in divorce is nine years.
  • Realizing that you need legal help and advice can be the first important step to making sure that you are well represented. When emotions run high, as they often are in divorce cases, it is very advantageous to make sure that you seek the advice of a well versed legal representative.
  • Eventually, 90% of divorced mothers gain custody of their children. It is often easier to reach this goal if the women make sure that they are legally represented by attorneys with experience.
  • Doing what is best for you is essential. If you are willing to work hard to lose weight, you should also realize it can take some real work to make sure that a divorce ends in the best way possible.

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